Elderly couple hiking

Vhi Joint Care Programme

Helps improve mobility and prevent falls, through an enhanced assessment system using the latest in technology

Delivered in partnership with The Physio Company

The Joint Care Programme is an innovative and proactive musculoskeletal (MSK) and mobility assessment aimed at detecting joint, muscle and balance (fall risk) issues. The screen is delivered by a Chartered Physiotherapist who examines mobility, balance and flexibility through a series of tests.
Joint care

Joint Care

Our Joint Care Programme assesses a range of issues over 30-40 mins. including...
  • Joint stiffness.
  • Joint pain.
  • Balance issues.
  • History of falls.
  • Mobility levels.

How to register for the programme


Book your appointment with The Physio Company for the Joint Care Programme which includes assessment on 01 518 0011.


Screening is delivered by a Chartered Physiotherapist which takes approx. 30-40 minutes.


The physiotherapist will examine mobility and balance through a walking test using motion based sensor technology.


Flexibility is assessed through physical tests on a number of areas over the course of the screening.


Following the assessment, you will receive a detailed, personalised report with relevant treatment advised, if required.


If the Joint Care programme is included on your plan, full cover will be provided for the screening and more.




For more information on our Joint Care Programme, you can call The Physio Company on 01 518 0011

To find out if this is included on your plan, you can check your Table of Benefits here or call Vhi Healthcare on 056 444 4444




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